Job Perception Inventory (JPI)

Developed by Dr. John Geier, Ph.D. and Ms. Dorothy Downey, M.S.

Behavior requirements (or job personality) exist in all jobs. Conflicting job perceptions can hinder career decisions, work performance and job satisfaction.

The Job Perception Inventory is an 'on-line' assessment tool designed to minimize the ambiguity and misunderstandings that can surround jobs. Specifically, the inventory enables individuals to:

  • Identify the behavior requirements of the job.
  • Compare the job as viewed by the job designer and by the jobholder.
  • Observe changes that may be occurring in the job.
  • Compare current perceptions of existing work with the "ideal" job.
  • Compare the results of the Job Perception Inventory with the Personality Factor Profile to determine compatibility between the perception of the job and personality tendencies.

When used in combination with the Personality Factor Profile (PFP), participants can compare their personal behavior patterns with that of their job behavior requirements and gain insight into personal job satisfaction or stress.

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Crescendo EI Practitioners

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Crescendo Inc
Minneapolis, MN 55419 44.900614 -93.292352 160934

T: (612) 718-4389
F: (206) 376-1578