
The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business

by Patrick M. Lencioni

TheAdvantageThere is a competitive advantage out there, arguably more powerful than any other. Is it superior strategy? Faster innovation? Smarter employees? No, Patrick Lencioni, argues that the seminal difference between successful companies and mediocre ones has little to do with what they know and how smart they are and more to do with how healthy they are. In this book, Lencioni brings together his vast experience and many of the themes cultivated in his other best-selling books and delivers a first: a cohesive and comprehensive exploration of the unique advantage organizational health provides.

Simply put, an organization is healthy when it is whole, consistent and complete, when its management, operations and culture are unified. Healthy organizations outperform their counterparts, are free of politics and confusion and provide an environment where star performers never want to leave... read more

Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long

by David Rock

YourBrainAtWorkMeet Emily and Paul: The parents of two young children, Emily is the newly promoted VP of marketing at a large corporation while Paul works from home or from clients' offices as an independent IT consultant. Their lives, like all of ours, are filled with a bewildering blizzard of emails, phone calls, yet more emails, meetings, projects, proposals, and plans. Just staying ahead of the storm has become a seemingly insurmountable task.

In this book, we travel inside Emily and Paul's brains as they attempt to sort the vast quantities of information they're presented with, figure out how to prioritize it, organize it and act on it. Fortunately for Emily and Paul, they're in good hands: David Rock knows how the brain works-and more specifically, how it works in a work setting. Rock shows how it's possible for Emily and Paul, and thus the reader, not only to survive in today's overwhelming work environment but succeed in it-and still feel energized and accomplished at the end of the day.

YOUR BRAIN AT WORK explores issues such as:

  • why our brains feel so taxed, and how to maximize our mental resources
  • why it's so hard to focus, and how to better manage distractions
  • how to maximize your chance of finding insights that can solve seemingly insurmountable problems... read more

Coaching with the Brain in Mind: Foundations for Practice

by David Rock & Linda J. Page

Book:Coaching with the Brain in MindDiscover the science behind brain-based coaching

By understanding how the brain works, coaching professionals can better tailor their language, strategies, and goals to be in alignment with an individual's "hard-wired" way of thinking. Written by two well-known coaching professionals, David Rock and Linda Page, Coaching with the Brain in Mind presents the tools and methodologies that can be employed by novice and experienced coaches alike to create an effective—and ultimately more rewarding—relationship for both coach and client.

This informative guide to the neuroscience of coaching clearly demonstrates how brain-based coaching works in practice, and how the power of the mind can be harnessed to help an individual learn and grow. Illustrated with numerous case examples and stories, this book is organized for immediate use by professionals in their client work.... read more

Quiet Leadership: Six Steps to Transforming Performance at Work

by David Rock

QuietLeadershipImproving employee performance involves one of the hardest challenges in the known universe: changing the way they think. David Rock (author) has proven that the secret to leading people (and living and working with them) is found in the space between their ears. "If people are being paid to think," he writes, "isn't it time the business world found out what the thing doing the work, the brain, is all about?" Supported by the latest groundbreaking research, Quiet Leadership provides a brain-based approach that will help busy leaders, executives, and managers improve their own and their colleagues' performance. Rock offers a practical, six-step guide to making permanent workplace performance change by unleashing higher productivity, new levels of morale, and greater job satisfaction ... read more

Fearless Leadership: Conquering Your Fears and the Lies that Drive Them

by Bruce E. Roselle

Book:FearlessLeadershipFearless Leadership is designed to help people determine how irrational fears, faulty beliefs, and the lies they believe to be true of themselves get in the way of a happy life. This book helps readers learn to create healthy beliefs and bedrock truth to guide them in the future. Fearless Leadership provides a seven-step model for understanding how people develop undesirable behaviors and what keeps them in place. It teaches readers to know the truth about themselves so they are not stopped by their own irrational reactions. Readers can then work with optimistic attitudes and embrace new challenges with confidence and courage... read more

Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor

by Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman, James O'Toole & Patricia Ward Biederman

Book: TransparencyThis book looks at what conspires against "a culture of candor" in organizations to create disastrous results, and suggest ways that leaders can achieve healthy and honest openness. The authors explore the lightning-rod concept of "transparency"-which has fast become the buzzword not only in business and corporate settings but in government and the social sector as well.

Together Bennis, Goleman, and O'Toole explore why the containment of truth is the dearest held value of far too many organizations and suggest practical ways that organizations, their leaders, their members, and their boards can achieve openness. The authors reveal the multifaceted importance of candor and show what promotes transparency and what hinders it. They describe how leaders often stymie the flow of information and the structural impediments that keep information from getting where it needs to go. This vital resource is written for any organization-business, government, and nonprofit-that must achieve a culture of candor, truth, and transparency... read more

Strengths-Based Leadership

by Tom Rath & Barry Conchie

StrengthsBasedLeadershipNearly a decade ago, Gallup unveiled the results of a landmark 30-year research project that ignited a global conversation on the topic of strengths. More than 3 million people have since taken Gallup's StrengthsFinder assessment.

While continuing to learn more about strengths, Gallup scientists have also been examining decades of data on the topic of leadership. They studied more than 1 million work teams, conducted more than 20,000 in-depth interviews with leaders, and even interviewed more than 10,000 followers around the world to ask exactly why they followed the most important leader in their life.

Strengths Based Leadership reveals the results of this research. Based on their discoveries, the book identifies three keys to being a more effective leader: knowing your strengths and investing in others' strengths, getting people with the right strengths on your team, and understanding and meeting the four basic needs of those who look to you for leadership. ... read more

Saving the World at Work: What Companies and Individuals Can Do to Go Beyond Making a Profit to Making a Difference

by Tim Sanders

Book: Saving the WorldEvery one of us, regardless of title or position, can inspire our companies to change the way they do business, helping them to become a positive force for enriching people, communities, and the environment. When this happens, not only do we help save the world, we help save our companies from becoming irrelevant. We also become part of what Sanders calls the Responsibility Revolution.

Companies that don't participate in this revolution risk becoming obsolete. Today customers, employees, and investors are demanding that companies focus on their social responsibilities-not just their bottom lines. Sixty-five percent of American consumers say they would change to brands associated with a good cause if price and quality were equal; 66 percent of recent college graduates will not work for companies with poor social values. And more than sixty million people are willing to pay a premium for socially and environmentally responsible products…read more

The Leadership Challenge

by James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner

Book: Leadership ChalengeIn the 1980s and again in the '90s, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner published The Leadership Challenge to address issues they uncovered in research on ordinary people achieving "individual leadership standards of excellence." The keys they identified--model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, encourage the heart--have now been reexamined in the context of the post-millennium world and updated in a third edition. "What we have discovered, and rediscovered, is that leadership is not the private reserve of a few charismatic men and women," write Kouzes and Posner, "People make extraordinary things happen by liberating the leader within everyone." After explaining their concept and methodology, the authors detail the five essentials… read more

Leadership from the Inside Out - Becoming a leader for life

by Kevin Cashman

Book: Leadership Inside OutLeadership from the Inside Out," clearly connects personal growth to leadership effectiveness. Framed in seven simple yet profound "mastery areas," this book serves as an integrated coaching experience that helps leaders understand how to harness their authentic, value-creating influence and elevate their impact as individuals, in teams, and in organizations. Cashman demonstrates that his trademark "whole-person" approach… read more

The Extraordinary Leader : Turning Good Managers into Great Leaders

by John H. Zenger & Joseph Folkman

ExtraordinaryLeaderThe ability to lead, far more than just a natural gift, is a concrete and learnable skill-one that can be acquired by studying and applying specific proficiencies and attitudes. The Extraordinary Leader draws on responses from 200,000 questionnaires to define the skills that comprise effective leadership, and then provides a systematic and innovative program for attaining, developing, and implementing those skills… read more

Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership

by Lee G. Bolman & Terrence E. Deal

Book: ReframingOrganizationsBecome a more versatile manager and a more artistic leader. This book explains how to use the powerful tool of "reframing" - deliberately looking at situations from more than one vantage point - to bring order out of confusion and to build high-performing, responsive organizations. Presenting four practical perspectives or "frames" from which to work, they show managers how to become constructive change agents, and guide the reader in selecting a leadership strategy that responds to an organization's current and future needs.

- The Structural Frame: how to organize and structure groups and teams to get results
- The Human Resource Frame: how to tailor organizations to satisfy human needs, improve human resource management, and build positive interpersonal and group dynamics
- The Political Frame: how to cope with power and conflict, build coalitions, hone political skills, and deal with internal and external politics.
- The Symbolic Frame: how to shape a culture that gives purpose and meaning to work, stage organizational drama for internal and external audiences, and build team spirit through ritual, ceremony, and story… read more

The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered Company

by Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter & James Noel

Book: Leadership PipelineThis book shows companies how to create a pipeline of talent that will continuously fill their leadership needs-needs they may not even yet realize. The Leadership Pipeline delivers a proven framework for priming future leaders by planning for their development, coaching them, and measuring the results of those efforts. Moreover, the book presents a combination leadership-development/succession-planning program that ensures a steady line-up of leaders for every critical position within the company. It's an approach that bolsters the retention of intellectual capital as it eliminates the need to go outside for expensive "stars," who will probably jump ship before they reach their full potential anyway… read more

What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful

by Marshall Goldsmith & Mark Reiter

Book: What got you here...The corporate world is filled with executives, men and women who have worked hard for years to reach the upper levels of management. They're intelligent, skilled, and even charismatic. But only a handful of them will ever reach the pinnacle -- it is the subtle nuances that make all the difference. These are small "transactional flaws" performed by one person against another (as simple as not saying thank you enough), which lead to negative perceptions that can hold any executive back… read more

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