Speaking Engagements

Maximize your R.O.E (Return on Emotion) - Presented at the Financial Planning Association of Northeast Wisconsin

Lisa in ActionHow do you feel and what difference does it make anyway? Truth be told, how we feel makes a pretty big difference in our lives and our ability to achieve the results we want for ourselves.

Research proves that emotions drive everything we do – how we make decisions, how we build relationships and how we embrace change…all essential skills for thriving in our current environment. Emotional Intelligence (how we perceive, understand, use and manage emotions) is a critical competence for personal/professional success. The good news is that Emotional Intelligence can be developed.

This session will help you understand…the why behind your feelings/emotions, the impact of emotions (on you and others) and the tools that will help you Maximize your R.O.E (Return on Emotion).

Emotional Intelligence: The Leadership Advantage – Presented at the University of Minnesota for the President's Emerging Leaders

Success in today’s fast paced, rapidly changing world requires more than intellectual or technical skills.Organizations want self-confident, highly motivated employees that can thrive in chaos and lead their organizations to higher levels of performance.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) competencies have emerged as critical attributes for career success.EQ defines how we manage ourselves and how we relate to others.The good news is EQ can be developed over time through goal setting, personal experience and conscious effort.

This session will explore the benefits and barriers of emotional competencies in the context of career management.

Emotional Intelligence: The Leadership Advantage – Presented at The Minnesota Association of School Personnel Administrators (MASPA)

Consider the following statistics:

  • Research on 181 jobs at 121 companies worldwide showed that two out of three abilities vital for success were emotional competencies such as trustworthiness, adaptability and a talent for collaboration.
  • According to a recent study of what corporations seek when they hire MBAs, the three most desired capabilities are communication skills, interpersonal skills and initiative.

Our agenda includes best practices and practical, expert advice on how to recognize and encourage the development of those staff members who exhibit these competencies. I am certain it will be another professional development opportunity that you will not want to miss!

EQ & You: Emotional Intelligence Development Planning Workshop - Presented at Minnesota Career Development Association Conference

Emotional Intelligence (“EQ”) defines how we manage ourselves and how we relate to others. It exists at the core of who we are as human beings. In fact, we are ‘hardwired’ for emotions. They drive everything we do. “EQ” impacts all aspects of our lives and has been proven to be a key contributor and predictor of success personally and professionally. The good news is that unlike “IQ” (an individual’s intelligence quotient or cognitive ability), “EQ” (Emotional Quotient) can be developed over time through personal experience and conscious effort.

What is your level of Emotional Intelligence? Are you interested in finding out? If so – sign up for this workshop.

Emotional Intelligence: The Career Advantage – Presented at Minnesota Career Development Association Conference

Success in today’s fast paced, rapidly changing world requires more than intellectual or technical skills.Organizations want self-confident, highly motivated employees that can thrive in chaos and lead their organizations to higher levels of performance.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) competencies have emerged as critical attributes for career success.EQ defines how we manage ourselves and how we relate to others.The good news is EQ can be developed over time through goal setting, personal experience and conscious effort.

This session will explore the benefits and barriers of emotional competencies in the context of career management.

Emotional Intelligence: The Career Advantage – Presented at the Wisconsin Careers Conference

“…Successful candidate is a self-started and creative problem solver who demonstrates strong communication skills and has an ability to direct and manage internal and external relationships. This candidate is a team player and thrives in a fast paced environment…”

Do these qualifications look familiar? Success in today’s fast paced, rapidly changing world requires more than intellectual or technical skills. Organizations want self-confident, highly motivated employees that can thrive in chaos and lead their organizations to higher levels of performance.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) competencies have emerged as critical attributes for career success. EQ defines how we manage ourselves and how we relate to others. Emotional intelligence exists at the core of who we are as human beings. In fact, we are ‘hardwired’ for emotions – they drive everything we do. The good news is that unlike IQ, EQ can be developed over time through goal setting, personal experience and conscious effort.

This session will explore the concept of emotional intelligence; it’s relevance to career development and potential strategies for improvement.

Resilience – The Key to Thriving in Transition – Presented at Minnesota Career Development Association Conference

Are you ready to move beyond surviving and begin thriving in transition? Resilient people know how to tap their inner resources to transform disappointments into opportunities. They have a capacity to anticipate and respond to adverse situations with self-reliance, agility and hopefulness. This workshop examines essential competencies that are fundamental to resilience. Participants explore the personal significance of resilience and develop basic strategies that will support transitions.

Thriving in Chaos…Presented at Twin Cities Human Resource Association (TCHRA)

Outsourcing, downsizing, restructuring, workforce reduction…whatever the terminology or business strategy, one of the guaranteed outcomes is individual and organizational stress!

HR professionals can easily find themselves feeling trapped between organizational priorities and organizational realities resulting in feelings of frustration, anxiety and overwhelming stress.

Is it possible to actually thrive in chaotic times? The answer is…yes.

Developing the ability to thrive in chaos increases the potential for both personal and professional success. Think about that statement and come prepared to experience, learn and share practical techniques that can enhance your effectiveness.

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EQ-i 2.0 - Get Certified

EQ 360 - Get Certified


Crescendo EI Practitioners

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Crescendo Inc
Minneapolis, MN 55419 44.900614 -93.292352 160934

T: (612) 718-4389
F: (206) 376-1578