Personality Factor Profile (PFP)

Developed by Dr. John Geier, Ph.D. and Ms. Dorothy Downey, M.S.

Personal effectiveness related to job performance can be improved when individuals have a clear understanding of their personality and their job. The Personal Mastery is a comprehensive, personalized, 50-page report generated from the data gathered in the Personality Factor Profile and Job Perception Inventory.

Recognized worldwide as the most in-depth analysis of an individual's predicted work performance, the report includes interpretation on the following subjects:

  • Pattern of problem solving
  • Process of getting things done
  • Present intentions
  • Response to pressure
  • Handling of conflict
  • Leadership emergence
  • Followership and leadership ratings
  • Team contribution
  • Compatibility with job

Personal Mastery is especially effective for leadership, team and personal development.

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Crescendo Inc
Minneapolis, MN 55419 44.900614 -93.292352 160934

T: (612) 718-4389
F: (206) 376-1578