January 23, 2014 - Igniting Your Personal Brand with Emotional Intelligence with Sue Stanek

Sue Stanek

A hot topic in leadership today is how to stand out from the crowd - how to create a strong personal brand.  While Sue agrees it is important to have an impactful website, LinkedIn profile, (and perhaps other social media presence), her experience and field research indicates one's consistent behavior (good, bad, or ugly)  is what most strongly influences personal brand.

Sue has developed a model which includes the two major reasons people "buy" another: one is made up of business factors, the other is made up of personal factors.  To no surprise, emotional intelligence is at the core of the entire model.  Join us as Sue Stanek shares her insights that clients have found insightful and powerful - from General Mills to Hasbro, Inc.

Sue Stanek has 30+ years of successful business experience including product management, sales, sales management, training and development, and external consulting.

In her first 15 years, Sue led the learning function in two national healthcare organizations, was a product manager for Wilson Learning, and then served in the roles of sales and sales management, serving Fortune 500 clients for B.I. Worldwide.  For the past 15 years, Sue has worked independently as a leadership consultant, providing keynote speeches and seminars on team and individual leadership, as well as mentoring in the corporate setting.

Speech and seminar topics focus on maximizing personal effectiveness and productivity, ranging from: networking, personal leadership, emotional intelligence and developing personal brand.

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