February 04, 2013 - EI Peer Coaching with Lisa Griebel and Karen Lanson

Frequently, EI Practitioners leave EQ-i Certification feeling both energized and overwhelmed because of ALL the possibilities. It is not uncommon for us to receive inquiries about next steps: How do I build Emotional Intelligence into my practice? What are good resources? How can I further develop my own emotional intelligence? These are all great questions and VERY relevant. If, in fact, your intention is to help make our world more emotionally intelligent, then you need answers to these questions (and more).

Crescendo Inc. is committed to building a strong EI Community of Practice that supports continuous learning and development in emotional intelligence. Last year, we introduced bi-monthly conversations (Crescendo Connect) focused on connecting emotional intelligence to other relevant topics. This year, we are introducing EI Peer Coaching as a strategy for EI Practitioners to focus and develop their personal emotional intelligence while enhancing their professional coaching/consulting practice.

In this Crescendo Connect Conversation, we will address the following questions:

  • What is Peer Coaching?
  • Why is Peer Coaching such a good fit with EI?
  • What are the benefits of EI Peer Coaching?
  • How does EI Peer Coaching work?

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F: (206) 376-1578