September 21, 2015 - Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness

Casey GibsonEmotional Intelligence practitioners are trained to help individuals, teams, and organizations increase awareness, shift mindsets, and demonstrate behaviors that result in higher levels of happiness and success. But, in the same way the cobbler's children have no shoes, EI practitioners often neglect themselves when it comes to intentionally applying and reflecting upon their own development as emotionally intelligent individuals.

In this session, you will hear how one EI practitioner brought her professional training to life in a very personal way as she faced a life-changing - potentially life-threatening - experience. The discussion will include:

  • How she used her EQ-i 2.0 assessment results to prepare mentally and emotionally.
  • What she learned about herself along the way.
  • How she continues to apply that learning in work and life. 

Casey Gibson, has over 13 years of experience in talent, leadership, and organizational development. She is known as an inspiring coach and facilitator who uses empathy, straight talk, and humor to help leaders create careers that are both wildly successful and personally fulfilling. 

Casey is a Principal Learning and Development Specialist with Medtronic. She has a Masters in Human Resource Development and a graduate certificate in Executive and Professional Coaching. Casey is an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation and is certified in various assessment tools including EQ-i 2.0, EQ360, and MBTI. She lives in Northeast Florida and, as an almost-empty-nester, spends much of her free time reading, writing, traveling with her husband, or cleaning up after four rescue animals.

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